- 赤 尾洋二與水野滋於1972 年,將其累積之品管經驗於日本Standardization and Quality Control 期刊”Development of New Products and Quality Assurance—A System for Quality Deployment”一文,正式出現「品質展開」一詞。
- 1978 年,赤尾洋二與水野滋共同編著了QFD 的日文書,Quality Function Deployment: A Company-wide Quality Approach。
- Glenn Mazur於1994年將該書翻譯成英文書 QFD: The Customer-Driven Approach to Quality Planning and Deployment,成為QFD聖經。
品 質機能展開(QFD)包括”品質”(Quality)、”機能”(Function)與”展開”(Deployment)三部分。”品質”即是品質屋 (House of Quality, HOQ)所要達到之品質要求;機能又稱為功能,即是傾聽客戶聲音(Voice of Customers, VOC)後所彙整之功能需求,亦可稱謂客戶需求(Customer Requirement);”展開”即是要達成產品品質所進行之一連串流程整合,包括概念提出、設計、製造與服務流程等。換言之,品質機能展開即是在了解 客戶需求後,展開一系列流程改造與整合工作,以達成客戶所需產品功能之完整品質管理工作。
品質機能展開的重點有二,其一為品質屋建立,其二為針對品質追求流程進行展開。品質屋組成分為六大部分,如圖一所示,分別為1.客戶需求、2.需求評估、3.技術需求、4.關係矩陣、5. 技術需求關連矩陣與6.技術目標,分述如下:
- 客戶需求(Whats):傾聽顧客聲音建立客戶需求內容,或稱為廣義的問題解決標的。
- 需求評估(Whys):顧客需求中哪些是重要與真實聲音,可藉由不同調查與多面向評估準則其需求內容。
- 技術需求(Hows):技術需求,亦即根據客戶需求所提出的技術供給議題。或稱為廣義的解決方案。
- 關係矩陣(Whats vs. Hows):建立客戶需求與技術需求關係。
- 技術需求關連矩陣(Hows vs. Hows):技術需求與技術需求關係,以建立技術取捨關係。
- 技術目標(How Muches):技術需求目標與重要性排序。
圖 二為以產品為主之品質追求步驟展開圖,由圖可以發現,流程展開步驟包括1.產品 --> 零件;2.零件 --> 整體流程;3. 流程 --> 生產規劃等三階段。需要說明,上述流程展開僅針對有形產品所進行之一範例展示,其餘不同標的品質控管與追求(例如服務業、教育與電子商務),均可依此模式 進一步延伸推論,而展開步驟與文【商品化、產業化與專利佈局思考(五)】所介紹之矩陣思考法,亦有相似概念。
最 後,品質機能展開從1970年代發展以來,已經普遍受到各界應用於產品與服務之品質管理。但是,如果從”廣義品質功能展開”(General Quality Function Deployment, GQFD)理論來看,此方法不僅可用於品質追求,先前所介紹之問題解決模式(Problem Solving Technique),包括【麥肯錫的MECE與代數正交基底】、【麥肯錫問題解決模型的啟示】、【金字塔原理與倒金字塔模型分析架構介紹】、【魚骨圖、因果圖與問題解決思考流程】等也均可依品質機能展開概念進一步涵蓋進來。(1136字;圖2)
圖一、品質屋組成與示意圖 |
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圖二、品質機能展開流程 |
![]() Source: http://cdnet.stpi.org.tw/techroom/analysis/pat_A106.htm The House Of Quality The HOQ is the kernel of QFD. It is a matrix that consists of sub matrices that are related to one another. Each section in HOQ is called ‘room’. It is a structured and systematic representation of a product or process development. ![]() Figure 2. House Of Qualitiy. [Group 2, 2002] 1. Customer requirements: As you can see from Figure 2, it is on the left side of the HOQ. This section documents the "voice of customer." It represents the "what's" of the system. Affinity diagrams and Tree diagrams are used to structure the requirements. 2. Planning Matrix: It is on the right side of the HOQ matrix. It represents the Customer Competitive Assessment. It Provides customers’ views on existing products. This matrix uses questionnaires to elicit information. 3. Technical requirements: This section lists how the company will meet the customer requirements. This is the "HOWS" of the system. It represents the engineering characteristics or voice of the company. This information is collected by QFD design team and structured using Affinity diagrams and Tree diagrams. This information includes:
4. Relationship Matrix: It occupies the middle portion of the HOQ digram which is the largest portion. It uses the prioritization matrix. It shows how well customer requirements are addressed by product features. 5. Roof: This is the Correlation matrix. It shows how the HOWs conflict with one another This section focuses on design improvement. It focuses on negative relationships in the design. 6. Targets:This the final section of House of Quality matrix. It summarizes the conclusions of the planning matrix. It includes three parts:
http://pages.cpsc.ucalgary.ca/~jadalow/seng613/qfd_summary.html |