

Fishbone analysis

Fishbone analysis or Cause-and-effect diagram

What is it?

The Fishbone diagram (sometimes called the Ishikawa diagram)is used to identify and list all the factors that are conditioning the problem at hand. This is primarily a group problem analysis technique, but can be used by individuals as well. The process is called Fishbone Analysis because of the way in which the information gathered is arranged visually – like the skeleton of a fish.
This technique helps teams to understand the scope and scale of a challenging situation. It captures and collates all the different perspectives in the room that relate to the issue at hand. Hence it is ideal when the change team comprises people from different backgrounds or professional disciplines. Everyone is then able to bring their perspective into focus and the team is better informed on what is involved.

Identify the key factors first
Write down the problem on the right-hand side of a brown paper. Draw a straight line to the left (like the backbone of a fish). Draw stems at a 45° angle to the backbone line. At the end of each of these stems, list 5 – 6 key factors/headings of the problem or issue that can be brainstormed.

Analyse each of the key factors (main bones) in turn

Each of the key factors can then be broken down into subsidiary factors that need to be understood before moving on to solutions in the development phase. The team should been couraged to brainstorm each main ‘bone of the fish’ in turn. Perhaps each member of the team can take responsibility for facilitating the brainstorming of one main bone. That way it becomes a team-building exercise also.


Asbestos risk

第7 條防止或減低暴露
25. 在建築及拆卸工程中,涉及石棉的工作通常是拆除以前安裝的含有石棉的物料。在這些工作中,應該採用以下方法,在合理的切實可行範圍內盡量減低工人暴露於石棉中的程度:
(a) 在任何其他工作進行之前,首先拆除含有石棉的物料;
(b) 採用盡量減少弄破、磨損、砂磨、研磨或切割含有石棉物料的工作方法;
(c) 適當地採用灑濕法抑制塵埃的產生;
(d) 在進行石棉工作時,避免在同一地方同時進行其他工作;
(e) 把涉及石棉的工作範圍和其他工作範圍分隔;及
(f) 即時清除邊料、廢物及碎屑,保持工作範圍清潔。

In building and dismantling project, it is quite likely to deal with the old contruction containing asbestos. All possible precautions should be made in order to reduce the asbestos exposure of workers:
(a) plan to remove materials containing asbestos before other jobs;
(b) apply procedure with minimal disturbance of asbestos materials;
(c) use shower to minimize generation of asbestos dust;
(d) avoid doing other works in the same place while removing asbestos;
(e) isolate asbestos working area from others;
(f) remove asbestos waste instantly, and keep working area clean.

Contingency plan

  • Definition
A contingency plan is a method or guideline of reducing the impact of a negative occurence and returning to normality as far as possible. When considering the possible adverse events that could occur, it is often to design different independent contingency plans in response to different potential risks. It involves defining action steps to be taken if an identified risk event should occur.
  • 6 Steps for formulating a contingency plan:
1. all obvious and major risks should be identified
2. all major assets are covered when adverse events occur
3. staff are aware of their responsibilities when adverse events occur
4. preventive training exercise are conducted
5. contact with emergency services has been made
6. contingencies for resuming normal have been put in place
  • Fire evacuation plan
1. clearly annotate escape route
2. post layout plans showing direction of escape at each locations/zones
3. appoint evacuation wardens
4. routine check on emergency back-up system
5. fire drill timing


SMART objectives

Nothing happens until we plan and a good plans have goals and objectives. Setting goals and objectives correctly goes a long way in helping in the achievement of them. Before we dive into how we go about setting SMART objectives we need to be aware of the difference between goals and objectives. Goals relate to our aspirations, purpose and vision. For example, I have a goal of becoming financially independent, this is a goal. Objectives are the battle plan, the stepping stones on the path towards the achievement of my goal. Therefore, a goal may have one or many objective that I would need to fulfil to achieve my goal. For example, to become financially independent I would need to 1) get out of debt, 2) improve my saving and 3) start a business.

The most well known method for setting objectives is the S.M.A.R.T. way, the SMART approach is well understood amongst managers, but I’ve found poorly practiced. S.M.A.R.T refers to the acronym that describes the key characteristics of meaningful objectives, which are Specific (concrete, detailed, well defined), Measureable (numbers, quantity, comparison), Achievable (feasible, actionable), Realistic (considering resources) and Time-Bound (a defined time line). Lets look at these characteristics in more detail.

SMART objective then are the stepping stones to the achievement of our goals……

Specific means that the objective is concrete, detailed, focused and well defined. Specific means that it’s results and action-orientated. Objective must be straightforwards and emphasize action and the required outcome. Objectives need to be straightforward and to communicate what you would like to see happen. To help set specific objectives it helps to ask:

WHAT am I going to do? This are best written using strong, action verbs such as conduct, develop, build, plan, execute, etc. This helps your objective to be action-orientated and focuses on what’s most important.
WHY is this important for me to do?
WHO is going to do what? Who else need to be involved?
WHEN do I want this to be completed?
HOW am I going to do this?
Diagnostic Questions
What exactly are we going to do, with or for whom?
What strategies will be used?
Is the objective well understood?
Is the objective described with action verbs?
Is it clear who is involved?
Is it clear where this will happen?
Is it clear what needs to happen?
Is the outcome clear?
Will this objective lead to the desired results?

Objectives need to be achievable, if the objective is too far in the future, you’ll find it difficult to keep motivated and to strive to attain it. Objectives, unlike your aspirations and visions, need to be achievable to keep you motivated. I do feel that objectives need to stretch you, but not so far that you become frustrated and lose motivation.
Diagnostic Questions
Can we get it done in the proposed timeframe?
Do I understand the limitations and constraints?
Can we do this with the resources we have?
Has anyone else done this successfully?
Is this possible?

Objectives that are achievable, may not be realistic….. however, realistic does not mean easy. Realistic means that you have the resources to get it done. The achievement of an objective requires resources, such as, skills, money, equipment, etc. to the task required to achieve the objective. Whilst keeping objectives realistic, ensure that they stretch you. Most objectives are achievable but, may require a change in your priorities to make them happen.
Diagnostic Questions
Do you have the resources available to achieve this objective?
Do I need to revisit priorities in my life to make this happen?
Is it possible to achieve this objective?

If the objective is measurable, it means that the measurement source is identified and we are able to track the actions as we progress towards the objective. Measurement is the standard used for comparison. For example, what financially independence means to me, may be totally different compared to what is means for you. As it’s so often said if you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it! It’s important to have measures that will encourage and motivate you on the way as you see the change occurring, this may require interim measures. Measurements go along way to help us to know when we have achieved our objective.
Diagnostic Questions
How will I know that the change has occurred?
Can these measurements be obtained?

Time-bound means setting a deadlines for the achievement of the objective. Deadlines need to be both achievable and realistic. If you don’t set a time you will reduce the motivation and urgency required to execute the tasks. Timeframes create the necessary urgency and prompts action.
Diagnostic Questions
When will this objective be accomplished?
Is there a stated deadline?

Source: http://www.thepracticeofleadership.net/2006/03/11/setting-smart-objectives/

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PM-Turnkey contract

已建成投付使用的合同交鑰匙合同,也稱一攬子合同 交鑰匙合同 買賣雙方簽訂的以成套工廠設備和技術轉讓為標的買賣協議。賣方承擔為買方建設某個工程(工廠、車間)項目的全部工作,包括工程項目的設計、施工、運行試驗等,最後把一所隨時可以使用的工程交給買方。交鑰匙合同是由設計合同、許可證合同、土木工程合同以及機械合同等構成的一個複雜的整體。在該合同以外,往往同時加訂技術援助合同、經營管理合同或推銷該廠產品的合同。交鑰匙合同其性質是成套工廠設備的買賣與技術轉讓結合在一起的合同。其標的物可分為兩類:一類是有形財產,包括廠房與機器設備; 另一類是無形財產,包括商標、專利與專有技術的使用權等。按照正統的交鑰匙合同,買方所購進的是整套工廠的生產設備。賣方一旦把工廠的建築物、機器設備以及書面技術資料移交給買方之後,合同即為履行。通過暫時驗收,證明已達到合同規定的指標後,該項目的所有權與風險即轉移給買方,價金亦於此時付清。在正統的交鑰匙合同中,賣方一般不保證買方的操作人員能否掌握使用該項目所必須的技術。因此,如果買方的技術水平低下,即使取得整套工廠設備,也不能達到預期目的,不能從中得到技術轉讓的好處。為了克服這種技術上的障礙,一些發展中國家試圖加重賣方提供技術的義務,這就產生了產品到手合同,即增加賣方保證買方能按合同規定的標準、效率與成本開動工廠設備、製造產品的責任。- MS Word translation